Duel in the Park tells the story of two men, George and Clement, fighting for the love of a woman named Genevieve.
Much of the film is a chase scene involving the two male characters, although Genevieve is also chased--briefly--by a young man who wanders by.
The title mentions only the park (specifically, York, PA's Reservoir Park), but we filmed in a number of locations, including highways in and around York County...
the York Catholic High School library...
the third floor of the Knights of Columbus building (interior and exterior)...
the cemetery outside St. Joseph’s church in Dallastown, and the home of Jim Ryer (who loved next to the church and cemetery).
After a series of cast shots with outtakes (now a standard,
but who else was doing that in ’74?) and a cameo by the director as
a priest, costumed in a black vinyl coat (worn backwards) and an electrical
tape mustache...
the final credit proclaims the 12 minute film as an "S*S
Production." I used the film as an Independent Study Project (York Catholic
pushed these IS Projects heavily as a way of extending our learning beyond
the classroom).
Years later, I had the Super 8 film converted to VHS video, and again, years
later, digitized it for re-editing. Using Final Cut Pro, I reduced some of
those lingering "wait for it!" moments, re-did the titles, and added
royalty-free music. Again, a project years in the making, just waiting for
the right digital technology.
I also showed the video as part of a Digital Cinema course I taught. For a first effort, it still holds up pretty well, and has some good storytelling in it.
Dramatis Personae
George..................Dave Sowers
Clement.............Jayson Vassallo
Genevieve.........Bobbi Wintersteen
Young Man............Steve Zorbaugh
Hitchhiker.............Chuck Smyser
Librarian............Karen Zelinski
Reader..................Ted Byorick
Drunk......................Jim Ryer
Priest.................Steve Schrum
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