A Cycle of Poems by Stephen A. Schrum

Additional Material by COLLABorators

3. Creation

Music begins

In the beginning was a song...
The song played in four-part harmony,
sung by a FEW elements:
The elements swirled and danced to the Universal Song.

And then came the Word.
The Word limited the Song.
From Word came words which gave form to the universe.
Where once was boundless Infinity, now there was the bounded finite.
Man took his form from dust and became more than dust
With the infusion of Spirit.
Yet he was deceived.
He believed that body and soul were separate,
And his mind could not join with the other two.
Instead his mind confused itself with philosophy:

Q: How many angels can dance on the head of a pin?
[A: Sixteen. But it has to be a very large pin.]

Q: If God is all powerful, can he create a rock which even He can not lift?
[A: Maybe, but why would He want to?]

Man searched for something recognizable,
A Masonic sign of identification with an elite group.
Philosophy gave birth to Art and Religion.
The first was intended for free expression of the soul--
a Dionysian way to connect with other souls.
The second was intended for ritual expression of the soul--an Apollonian way to connect with other souls.
Both united the community of men for a short time.
Then came the devaluation, which emptied meaning from Art and Religion.
It was Science that did it.
The Word incarnate and incarnadine,
Limiting all in its path,
Turning all cold, dry, factual, practical--
not poetic, not metaphysical.

And in the morning, first light...

  Vast galaxies swirl.
Professor in Regalia
The Actor Replies
Professor in Regalia
The Actor Replies

© 2003 Stephen A. Schrum