A Cycle of Poems by Stephen A. Schrum

Additional Material by COLLABorators

8. A Pill


just take a pill--
a modern day sign of the cross
to ward off the evils of disease.

we've lost the religion but not the superstition:
we still throw salt over our shoulders,
bless sneezers,
avoid walking under ladders or opening umbrellas indoors...
without ever knowing why.

today's flagellants
whip themselves with guilt-edged neuroses,
clutching their powerless relics of past beliefs,
dervish-dancing with their foolish thoughts,
led by conscience on a pilgrimage to success,
through a metaphysical wasteland
where salvation does not come to s/he who stands and waits.

drugs open no doors to alternate realities,
only to inner parts of the psyche
which may be opened without drugs;
or for some, better left unopened--

for the latter,
it is frightening to pause and think,
for in the silence of the mind
one can easily hear’s one’s own cold screams.

Original Sin put Man and Woman on the wrong path,
but was corrected by Christ’s sacrificial death on the Cross.
Yet we have sinned again--not by the invention of the bomb,
but by the discovery of our place in the universe:
we are not its center.
O, what this has done to man’s psyche, man’s soul!

And then MAN said:
"And since we are not the center of the universe, we might as well commit suicide.
But not one by one.
Let us poison the air, the land, the water, and the children.
Bring on the Guyana Cyan-Aid
to quench Man’s thirst for destruction."

Westernized man has gotten too far from his roots
To be close to the earth, to nature, is needed.
Yet civilization takes us one remove from our Mother Gaea
and revelation further removed us from the jungle.

At the same time, technology allows us to advance and evolve
though technology advances, as so many have said,
at a quicker pace than our morality,
allowing us the weapons to destroy ourselves but
without a countering reason to stop our self-destruction.

A door slams

© 2003 Stephen A. Schrum