A Cycle of Poems by Stephen A. Schrum

Additional Material by COLLABorators [1]


"Let' a neural net of artistic thought with creative expressions."


I originally wrote a series of poems (or are they just verse-based imagistic ramblings?) as a cycle, with the idea that they might be performed dramatically. When I later began playing with computer applications, including HyperCard, I thought they might be displayed interactively with additional graphics and audio.

Along came the WWW, and my next notion was that material in the poem could be linked to the works of others. Each web page would contain a poem, along with background and other graphics, embedded sounds, and links to others' web pages, poems, graphics, audio and video work, and so on.

This summer (2003) I have finally gotten around to putting these things on the web. I invite other artists to add their material. Read these poems and see what connections might be made between my work and yours. Then email me links to your graphics, video, audio (along with full credit--name and copyright info), telling me where the link belongs. I will post it in the appropriate webpage.

No, there is no money for this upfront. As Jeremy dePrisco says in his song, "What Have You Done Today": "The destination may be the journey...." Maybe it will become a colaborative performane piece, or just an interesting website. In any case, let's see where the process takes us, and build a neural net of artistic thought with creative expressions.

Start the Cycle: No Thnkng Aloud.

[1] A visual and verbal pun. COLLABorators suggests that submissions may come from the ranks of those subscribed to the listserv COLLAB-L--another early idea of mine-- whereas they may came from anyone, anywhere in the world.

© 2003 Stephen A. Schrum